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You're unstoppable.

Updated: Oct 29, 2022

I started writing this for my 16yo daughter, but I believe everyone should read this.

It’s something everyone should know to be true.

If you could see yourself through my eyes, you'd be unstoppable.

So much potential and so much to give.

Hard times will always come, but they are not meant to scare you.

Don't let them take you aback.

Don't let it get rid of your shine.

You are stronger than you feel.

Obstacles are but opportunities to grow.

Repeat that.

Obstacles are but opportunities to grow.

Learn from them. Be fierce. You've got this. Love is on your side. Always.

Look deep into your thoughts, emotions, and your soul.

The answer is right there.

Do you believe it yet?

Dwelling on all the bad will take you down a rabbit hole which will make you forget what your goals are.

Sometimes life can feel ridiculous. This world can seem ridiculous.

But guess what?

Life goes on.

So, feel your feelings and then get up and start working on fixing things.

You can't control everything in this life, so stop trying.

Live this moment.

Are you in a shitty situation? There's a way out, just be patient with yourself.

Take a deep breath. Take a few if you need to.

There's a different perspective out there, there is a solution, or at least a first step to getting there.

When you're going through tough times you are blinded by your emotions. Take a deep breath. Things will be ok. Things will be ok.

One day you can look back at this very moment and say to yourself "wow was that ever a tough time".

You may not see that as a possibility right now.

But you do get better.

Don't fret if you feel like no one cares or believes in you. I can assure you someone does. Whether you believe it or not, you'll see one day.

Right now, all that matters is that you care and you believe in yourself.


Because you're a life. All the bullshit you have had to endure has made you who you are right now.

Whether it's good or not, any action you take from now on will define you because it will define your future.

So make it good.

Good brings out good.

Are you the type that always puts others first? Do you feel like you've been taken advantage of?

Are they hurting you? Tell them. They don't like what you're saying? OK. Good to know them!

Next time, maybe you’ll see a different them.

See, people change.

We are meant to change.

But change is a process. A long one.

Even when one is happy and feeling like they’re living their true potential, they look for something else.

Nothing is enough. Even when they have everything.


Do something different than what you normally do.

Step out of your comfort zone.

You’ve done it all? No, you haven’t.

Maybe you’re too scared to try it, but there’s always something different to do.

There’s always something to make you a better person.

But good results take hard work.

Be fierce. You've got this. Love is on your side. It always is.

You're unstoppable.

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