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Our generation

Have you ever found it interesting hearing people talk about all our generations, specifically the generation x, y, z and now, alpha?

I find that everyone tends to always bitch about the new ones. They say kids these days are this and kids these days are that... But, if you're a parent, don't we all? I have definitely played this card with my girl and I always tell her she'll understand when she's a parent. I mean we've all been "these kids". The difference is all the external factors that every generation is faced with. Due to these factors, there are going to be different mindsets and reactions on how to react to them. Thanks to social media and technology, there are a lot of things coming out and being put to light where before, well, not so much. Word of mouth cannot compare to the quickness of the internet. You have these silly experiments/challenges that gen z's have unfortunately been branded with, like if it defines them. By who? Generations who may have not been that "experimental" but done other silly things 100%.

Social media wasn't a thing back then, so many baby boomers and older gen-xers were able to get away with many silly things that noone will ever admit to. Or else they are like the newcomers. A lot of it comes down to how much experience we have on the young ones who are just learning. We think that if we were raised in this generation, we would act differently. But would we? We are who we are because of how our parents raised us and because of all the external factors. For instance, a few fun facts on generation x - from The Canadian Encyclopedia and wikipedia... They were born between 1965-1980 - some will say 60s-70s but for the most part 65-80. Born at the end of the post-Second WW baby boom. By then, there was more and better access to birth control. Meaning less babies. And - Unlike with previous generations, there was a widespread of dual-income households, both parents now worked. Divorce was more common so there were lots who grew up in a single-parent household. Due to these trends, many returned from school to an empty house, left to fend for themselves until their parents came back from work. As they were coming of age, they found themselves with economic uncertainties. Inflation, high unemployment rates. Jobs were no longer for life. How did gen x'rs respond to all these changes? (For most) They said Fuck It. There was much political and social detachment. Gen x started getting negative stereotypes being called bleak, cynical and disaffected. Slackers. By the mid-late 90s, things started getting better, technology startup companies and small business were founded, mostly by gen xers. They started getting the rep of ntrepreneurship. In the early 2000s their entrepreneurial tendencies helped create high-tech industry that fueled the 90s economic recovery. Then, 911 happened. Firefighters and police who responded to it were predominantly gen x. Those who gave blood, worked for charities, donated to charities and joined the military to fight the war on terror, were also predominantly gen xers. It brought out their patriotism. There are many things that shaped gen xers, and I could go on, but I feel like we can all get the picture. It's all these different things that have made generation x's, y's, z's and alphas who they are and who they're becoming. Alphas were born with communication at their fingertips. Miss your best friend who has moved abroad? Ok, text her. Want to watch a movie? Ugh, get up, get dressed, look like a human and then... oh wait no... "Siri, put on a movie for me". Wanna listen to music? Siri can do that too. And now... like why even leave your house when you can even work from there? Things seem to be so easy for them. But we know better than that. We should, at least. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. The fact of the matter is we are all one way or another responsible for the world we're living in now. Doing something about it or doing nothing about it.

Both give consequences. As generations go by, their core values and general life experiences are passed down, and ideally, the new generations will learn and act smarter than we did.. because that's the purpose, right? Evolution.

So, what are you waiting for? As they say, we're all in it together.

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