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Life can be hard

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

So, this blog (and podcast that I have now), are my attempt of spreading the positivity, with some simple, real talk.

We all have concepts on how to live your best life, what obstacles mean to us and how to deal with emotions.

The simplicities of life can seem complicated to some, which is mainly because of our past experiences and where we are at this moment, right now. There are so many different factors in life that will influence our feelings and emotions, our perspective. If you have had a life with difficult experiences, it may seem difficult to look at life now with a positive outlook. Unless of course, you have been able to heal, overcome them and learn from them.

I find that most people haven't truly healed from those difficult experiences they - we go through, we don't always realize this but there will always be some triggers that our subconscious will read on and will warn us in a way, where our reaction is just based on that experience that could have happened many, many years ago, but is still there lingering in our minds. We learn how to compartmentalize and/or suppress our feelings in order to move forward, being aware of us doing this or not.

When I say difficult experiences, I don't necessarily mean traumatic experiences - the ones where people should be in jail for, so to speak. I mean those hard experiences which we all go through at some point in our lives, because let's get real, we all go through tough experiences, whether we acknowledge them or not. Rich or poor, everyone has it different.

Sometimes what some may seem as little things, could mean a big thing to the other. Unless you are them, we are no one to decide that others have gone through less tough situations than one has. If that makes sense? We all process things differently.

At the end of the day, life isn't a competition on who's been through the worst experiences, ever. It's about learning, overcoming them and teaching others who may need the help.

One isn't perfect meaning life isn't either. There will be times where you feel like giving up. I mean, it's one thing after another, can you ever catch a break?

"Feel your feelings". What does this mean to you?

I know I have my moments where I feel like it's all too much. As I said, it feels like it's one thing after another, and even though I know the obstacles that have been presented to me are just that - obstacles and they are meant to overcome, etc., - it can still be a lot.

When will it stop? When will I catch a break? Sometimes when I feel like I do, it feels like a small one. A quick 15 minute break.

Why? Why does life have to be so difficult? Everything was great but now... again... what in the actual fuck...?! What's the point?

So, when I have these thoughts, what I personally have found helpful was to just let all my emotions take over. I find a moment when I'm alone and I think about all the stupid crap going on and start thinking of all the bad situations I've gone through and continue to go through and feel sorry for myself. For a moment, feeling as miserable as I do at the time, it's almost, comforting.

I feel so much better afterwards. It's almost like relieving myself of all the anxiety and stress of my situation. Like all these feelings were weighing me down but once I got them out, the weight was lifted. And now I'm ready to move forward too, because as I mentioned in my previous posts, life goes on. There's no pause, rewind or fast-forward. It's a constant play.

What do you do that makes you feel better? Are you doing anything? If you are just holding it in, please don't.

We have the right to feel our feelings. We owe it to ourselves to let them out.

Find a time - 10-20 minutes to be in your bedroom or bathroom alone. If someone asks, you are just processing your feelings, you will be with them momentarily. Please hold.

Let it out.

I'm not saying go and have a pity party by yourself (last thing you need is to dig yourself into a rabbit hole that you can't climb out of), this just happened to work for me. Some people will go out and do some kind of exercise, write, sing, whatever it takes.

Remember that it's ok to have these moments, we all have them. Keeping all these unhealthy emotions inside will end up eating you up. Everyone around you will know it. They will feel it.

Not that you're doing it for them, ultimately, it's all about you.

Just do something about it.

Get yourself better.

You deserve it.

Life can be hard.

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