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Oh the stress!!

Do you get stressed easily? I do. I'm improving and don't as much but I'm an overthinker, so stressing comes by rather easily. When I am given bad news, or some sort of obstacle, my first instinct is to think of all possible scenarios and they're never the good ones. The first things that come to mind are always the worst possible outcomes.

I can't stop my thoughts, they will be whatever comes out of my brain - it is what it is - but what I have been slowly starting to get accustomed to, is taking a deep breath and just trying letting go of them. Trying to avoid thinking in general. Just for a quick few seconds. It may sound minimal and maybe absurd to think that this helps, but it does. This helps me push those thoughts back. They're still faintly there not doing much but, like a predator, they're just waiting for me to show weakness before coming out and attacking.. again.

But taking a quick breather helps. It helps you face your fears and motivates you to find solutions.

Let's be clear though, you have to want to. It's simple to just sit there, take a deep breath and then say "Nope, I tried. Did nothing for me." You have to actually want to make it work.

With intent. You have to make the effort.

Will it bring out the big picture and all of a sudden help you solve your problem? Maybe. Maybe not.

What it does is lower your racing heartbeat, lower or stabilize your blood pressure and it will help lower stress.

It can help you clear your mind from negative thoughts trying to rush in.

It can help you see things or situations, differently.

Gives you perspective.

When bad news is given, some will look at the silver lining aspect of it. "At least this.. at least that.. things could be worse..."

That of course is the ideal way of handling them. Not realistic for everyone.

So, in spite of the news, take a deep breath. Stay still. Forget about what you think its potential consequences could be.

The moment is now. What happens tomorrow can wait until tomorrow because 1 million little things can happen that can change everything.

The moment is now.

So, what can you do right now?

Nothing? You have to wait? Ok. Don't think about all of the possible negative outcomes.

Think positive, so that you can attract more of it. Noone can confirm this works but, if it can bring out positiveness in your thought process, the feeling this can bring you will help you along the way.

If it's not a "waiting game" situation, then start writing down your thoughts.

Do any of them help? If it's a yes, great, you're on track.

If it's a no, simply scratch it out.

If you find yourself not coming up with anything helpful and you feel like it's starting to frustrate or irritate you, just step back. Take another deep breath. Walk away and then when you are feeling calm, go back to it and try again.

Emotions have a lot to do with how you manage your stress.

Have you ever tried controlling them?

When you find yourself to be too focused on the bad things that could happen, worry and anxiety take over.

Try shifting your thoughts to positive outcomes. I realize this is easier said than done, as there are a lot of deeper layers in every situation that can make this feel impossible.

Take a deep breath.

It will be ok.

You will make it. You made it this far.

Don't stop now.

Sometimes it can be a matter of time management. Too much going on at once and little time to figure it all out?

Try a planner. Don't have one? It's fine, just use a piece of paper, keep track of it. Sometimes the checks or crossing over what you've done will feel good. Accomplishments are ego boosters. We all need them. Even if it seems little in the big picture, that doesn't matter.

Work with the picture you have now.

All you can do is try.

All you can do is your best.

That is enough.

It can be easy to succumb to stress and feel like nothing you do is enough, which then leads you to not feeling like you're enough. If you're mindset is here, tell yourself "everything is going to be ok".

You may not be a fortune teller, but you can tell yourself what you can achieve. You can tell yourself the greatness you have to offer.

Tell yourself!!

Then Act on it.

It's all in the effort.

Is it work that's stressing you out? Are you feeling overworked? Undervalued? Doing your best is all you can do. It can sound so simple, too simple, yet it's the truth and it's enough. Does it feel like you're not seeing any progress? Or maybe just tired of dealing with the same issue over and over and over..?

Ask yourself, What can you control? Focus on what you can. As hard as that can be sometimes.

At the end of the day, unless you are going to do something about it, work is work. So, make the most of it. Be happy with doing your best, it's enough. You are enough.

Remember that you're doing it for yourself. For your own sanity and happiness.

Whatever is best for you, that is really all that matters.

So...make the most of whatever situation you are in now.

Because you can.

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