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We are more than our labels

Have you ever thought of how the world would be like if we had no labels?

Labels are meant to classify and provide a description of someone or some thing. Which can be helpful but, as I have mentioned before, we humans are complicated. Yet we tend to label ourselves. There are many internal and external factors that shape us into who we are now. When we start labeling, we're putting limitations on what people are or can do. I understand the importance of labeling/classifying for government reasons (census, etc) and/or medical importance, but in general? For instance, let's look at Latin Americans. They are known for their hospitality and happiness of their people. They're famous for their dancing, their variety and tasty dishes and their beautiful tropical landscapes. Most Latin Americans are also very religious. In fact, religion is the main factor in their celebrations and festivals, which they have many of. There is always something to celebrate at almost any time of the year. They are extremely close to their family, and it's very common for multiple generations to live within the same household. I won't speak for all Latin American countries but not everyone is punctual.. I mean there's a reason for "Latin time" after all. For the most part, this is what people use to label Latin Americans, party go-ers who really know how to party, cultured, a bit unpunctual 😉and passionate.

I would be classified as a Latin American, as I was born in Peru. My childhood (starting at the age of 5 that is) to early teens was lived here in Canada, while my mid-teens to early adult life was lived in Peru. I find myself to be a mixture of a Peruvian-Canadian culture.

I'm not just one. I fully embrace my Peruvian culture, it's just not all that I am, eh? But if you were to look at me, you'd label me to be Latin American (most likely anyway). Sometimes, depending on the interaction one has had with a latina/o, they may have a positive or negative view on them all. First impressions say a lot, so however that went (good or bad), for most, it will stick and will most likely influence their view on all Latin Americans. Just like that, a label has been created. Not everyone is like this of course, a lot of people are more... openminded, forgiving, one coud say, in the sense that they are aware that not every Latin American person is defined by the action of one, or even a few for that matter..

If you started labeling people by their looks, well appearances can be deceiving. Mislabeling is what divides us. It's how stigmas are created. I get the fact that it's not all bad, and sometimes they can be right, or somewhat at least but there is an importance of not letting that define a person, not completely. One is more than their culture and looks. As we know, there are bad apples in every culture, because we are all human. I can understand the fear of the unknown. It can make it easy to be prejudice towards someone that looks different than you, when there are labels going around on them.

Depending on what your parents engrained in you, and how influenced you are by society, it can all be the reason of your reaction towards people different than you. You need to remember that we are all, only human. Not everyone acts and reacts the same and assuming otherwise, is useless. So, work on getting rid of your mental labels. Get rid of your mental judgements. Always remember that when you have a preconceived idea about someone, whatever their actions or words are, how you react and process, will be highly influenced by said preconceived idea. So get rid of it. Open your mind. Open your heart. You may be pleasantly surprised.

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