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You look fine.

Updated: Oct 29, 2022

Look in the mirror. How do you think you look right now? Whether you already believe it or not, you are beautiful. It can sound like a cliche thing to say, but hear me out.

People nowadays, thanks to the internet are more vocal with sometimes if not most, their unasked for opinions.

Here's one thing to consider. It's up to everyone to be more compassionate and look beyond the superficial judgement. It's up to you to accept that not everyone will be, as hard as that can be at times. But that's ok. It's not about them. It's about you. Stop worrying about what others think about how you look. Worry about taking care of yourself and loving how you look. Sometimes things are what they are and you don't have much control over what you can wear or even do to make yourself feel better or even just look better. For example, I have one eye that's hooded (yes, just one) and my right jaw is puffier than the left. I cannot naturally make them look better. Perfection is fake. And that's ok.

For every negative thought you have about yourself, find a positive. It balances each other out.

Confidence is everything. It's all about how you feel. It will show. So, learn to love how you look. Embrace it. Some people will hate it. Some people will not know what to do with it. Some people will get inspired. Here's another thought. You are loved. Just the way you are. Stop doubting this. Do you love yourself? Say yes! You are worthy! Repeat this as many times as you need, to believe it. It's true. Don't be fearful of rejection. Rejection on its out can be scary but when you overcome it, you will feel powerful. Take your power back.

Choose love.

Be kind to others.

Be kind to yourself. Worry about just being you. Whoever that may be. You look just fine.

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