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What's your story?

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

I go outside, see different people walking by. Crowds.

Cars drive by. They have places to be, people to see. What comes to mind is how each one of them has a different story. Living in a different situation. They all also, have had a different upbringing. Different opinions and beliefs.

Appearances can be deceiving as we all know. It can be easy to judge based on them alone.

And sometimes little actions can make you judge as well. For instance, you're in a grocery store and you're just heading to pay for them. You see someone very anxiously and in a rushing matter, finishing up their groceries as well and rushes right in front of you

to beat you to the line. What would be the first thought that comes to mind?

I mean, it's annoying right? Like, excuse you? Do you put them in their place?

If so, what's your tone?

Or would you let them be and be like "whatever", I'm not in a rush anyways.

The whole "be polite and on your best behaviour" in public has been the social rule.

Most people abide by this rule.

But the truth is, we all live different lives. We've all been raised differently.

And we're all going through different stages and moments of our lives.

Maybe you're going through a tough time and yet find yourself to be able to follow this rule.

Maybe most do already.

But again. We are all different.

This is not to say that you are ok to be rude or be inconsiderate.

This rule is a good one to go by, of course.

This is more about being more compassionate with one another, knowing this.

It's about trying to be forgiving and understanding of others. We humans can be very difficult to read and understand. I mean it's easy to say no - it's actually not complicated.

In the big picture it isn't. I mean, we all have an essence, and we've all been raised with a certain foundation.

If you do this, it's good, if you do that, it's bad. Simple.

But we all can be good and bad.

We don't always know how we react to things until these things happen to us.

What makes one the judge of another, when you have never found yourself to be in their shoes?

What makes you the holder of your stone?

You can say, Oh for sure I know how I'd react. This is who I am.

But it can be so different when it happens.

Some people have triggers they aren't even aware they have until they're put under certain situations.

Maybe you have gone through a similar situation and feel that you can say yeah, I know what I'd do and how to do it.

But don't be a judge about it.

Be kind about it.

Just like there are two sides to a page, there are more than one side to a story.

And we each have one.

As I've said before, any action you take now, being good or bad will define who you are because it will define your future.

So make it good.

Good brings out good.

Treat those as you would like to be treated.

Now, that is simple.

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