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Time out. Rise up.

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

Hard times can bring out the best of us.

Don't believe me? Hear me out.

Nothing is working out right now.

Nothing is falling into place like it's supposed to.

Time out.

You only live once so you take a risk.

It fails. You flop. You burn.

Time out.

You've been surviving not living.

You're tired. You feel defeated.

Rise up.

You've gone through this road before. You always feel like you fail.

Enough is enough.

Rise up.

There is a time and a place for everything.

Sometimes you need to take a time out.

Sometimes you need to rise up.

Trust your gut.

When things don't work out as planned - Take a time out. What could you be missing?

It's all about perspective.There are different angles to every situation. Get rid of the emotions that are getting in the way. Take a deep breath and pretend your life is not yours but someone else's. What would you recommend they do?

What are you seeing that they aren't?

Still not working out and now everyone around you is feeling it? Or maybe you're just feeling it? There's a better path for you. I can understand why this perspective can be hard to accept because you have been working hard in the hopes that all your efforts are taking you to where you want to be.

But guess what? If it's not working out - there is something better for you.

I truly believe that we are not here to fail. We are here to succeed. We are here to evolve. Our obstacles are here to make us smarter and more creative people.

So, rise up. Let go of your problems. Let go of your worries.

Live in the moment. Feel your feelings - yes.

But then shake your head, shake your body. Shake out all the negative thoughts out of you.

Fresh start.

Negative thoughts coming back? Push them away. They're not trying to tell you something. They're testing you.

See, we all have negative thoughts, some people are able to seamlessly push them away better than others. But they're always there.

Our mind is full of thoughts and it can be hard to control at times.

Just try to clear your head and think of positive thoughts.

Positive thoughts will bring out the creativity in us if we give it a chance.

So, take a time out. Rise up.

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