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Updated: Oct 28, 2022

Do as I say, not as I do. Why? because most advice we give is much easier said than done.

Does this make us hypocrites? More like human. They say: Watch how you spend your money! Do what is right, not what is easy. Brush your teeth every day! My favourite? Be positive!! But sometimes I find myself not being as positive as I try to show my daughter to be. And she has no problems pointing it out to me! One day I was venting with her, saying everything was just messed up, why does it need to be complicated, bla bla bla and now how am I going to make it work... and more bla bla bla.. And all of a sudden she says, Mom, just be positive. Everything will be ok! To which in my head, I was like "WTF". Is she using my words against me right now? The thoughts that came to mind, that I wanted to say in that moment were along the lines of "No! I don't want to be positive." But I bit my tongue, took a deep breath and with all my will said "I know. It will be". I mean fair enough. She wasn't trying to be sassy, she saw I was going down a spiral and thought that that moment was a good time to snap me out of it. I probably needed it, too. Besides, being positive makes life so much easier anyways! right?! But again, we're human. We will go back to our old habits and thoughts that don't help us. Not because we will never change. It's just a natural response that can be hard to get rid off. Once you accept that, you can move forward to being the best you that you want to be. So what if you could help yourself, subconsciously? Hear me out. It takes an idea to start seeing things a certain way. Example for myself, about a year and a half ago I was going through some stressful financial times. I had always heard of how useful meditation was. So i decided that I should start trying it. Calming the mind is hard folks. Once I got the hang of it, it helped me calm my negative thoughts down. Every time I had one come up, I would counter it with "everything will be ok". Everything will be ok. I would repeat it about 3 times until I believed it. So this got me into reading about positive affirmations, and I decided to download an app that sends you positive affirmations, on an hourly basis. Guys, it doesn't happen immediately, I mean, it took a few months of reading these. But I actually began believing them and just changing my mindset altogether. How did it change my mindset you may ask? I don't overstress. I know that everything will be ok. I have a better handle on my emotions. It's rather freeing. I also bounce back faster, so when my daughter decided to snap me out of my downward spiral of negativity, I actually bit my tongue. Had it been months ago, I definitely would have said "no! I don't want to be positive right now, period" Yep, I was a snob. Not no more! And I think you should try it out! You don't need to download an app, it's just a matter of saying a positive affirmation (the more the merrier of course) - in the morning and/or before going to bed. If you have a negative thought, counter it back with something positive. The mind works in mysterious ways. It is powerful. So make it work to your benefit. And then... you can do as you say.. because following advise just got easier.

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