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I've mentioned a couple of times the importance of Living in the moment.

One day at a time.


But.. how many do?

Like.. really?

Lately, I find myself using it as an excuse.

I mean.. Some could say reason...

Example, I'm walking by downtown, I'm starving and see a cheesecake slice on the window of a bakery shop. Right next to said bakery shop, I see a healthy smoothie place.

I love smoothies, they remind me of Peru and make me think of good health and all the benefits it can provide - the ones with good fiber and proteins (of course...) but yummm cheesecake.


Cheesecake for the win.

There have also been times when I'm online and get suckered into buying all the things because.. well you only live once!! Don't get me wrong, these little moments are fun and if it makes you happy, you do you. Purchase responsibly, right? But Living in the moment is what we are meant to do. You do it with character and with pride. With kindness. Make the most of today. Have a reminder if needed. Personally, it's what I do - ha!

This actually comes up on my phone every morning at 8am. I remember when I first thought of adding this as a reminder, I thought that after a week or two I'd get over it to the point where I'd be like yeah, yeah, same old... But you know what. I do it. Ultimately, you have to make the effort. It's a choice. Making these choices where you have to change perspective and or attitude, can feel really hard to do. Especially when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, per se. The importance of "doing your best" is what makes our success. And our success our passion. #NoRegrets. They say live a life without regrets. We're humans so we're bound to make mistakes but, you have to learn to forgive yourself for any previous regrets you have of your past. Leave the past in the past. I think this is the hardest part for most. Letting go of that which you can no longer control. Whatever happened, happened. We are not the judge of you. Whatever will be, will be. You eventually have to learn to move on. Did you recently lose someone? My heart goes out to you. Even if I don't know you, believe me, I do. Losing someone is the hardest thing one can go through. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Whichever stage you're in, know you will get to the last. One day at a time. There will be things you learn to accept. Just work on being your best moving forward. Like a friend of mine likes to sing, "We're here for a good time, not a long time". So, live your best life. Make the most it! Even though there are few things in life you can control, you Can control your perspective. You Can control your feelings. So Make the choice. Make the effort. You have nothing to lose. Your future depends on it. YOLO!

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My Heart is agreed with, my mind is agreed also and my soul fallowing happy😍

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